Smart Business

Chih-Hao Ku (Justin), PhD | Biography
Department of Information Systems

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Web Analytics; Visual Analytics


With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Visual Analytics, companies can:

  • Discover patterns, relations, and trends in data,
  • Predict unknown information from known data, and
  • Understand customer behaviors and their preferences through online textual information and ratings.
Business Applications
  • AI for Customer Experience: Use AI techniques to better understand customer requirements, preferences, and buying patterns.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Understand human language and produce appropriate responses automatically.
  • Information Visualization: Provide an effective way to communicate with data and make it easy to comprehend trends, outliers, and patterns in data.
Case Study

Developed Networked Manufacturing Systems

  • A single source of truth: Bring data resources, e.g., ERP, supply chain, customer service, and social media data together and get your business AI-ready with strategic and holistic thinking.
  • Quality improvement: Use AI to maintain consistency and quality of products and services and lower down the cost. For instance, real-time social media analysis can detect product and service failures in the early stage.