UPDATE: U.S. Patent Issuance
On July 24, 2023, the United States Patent and Trademark Office allowed U.S. Patent 2021/0123007 titled Perfusion Plate for Microarray 3D Bioprinting that names Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee, a former assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (ChBME).
The patented technology provides a perfusion-pillar plate assembly that can facilitate perfusion-based tissue culture and tissue communication for high throughput, high-content, drug screening.
Contact Jack Kraszewski for assistance with a disclosure to begin the process of protecting your invention or intellectual property. |
UPDATE: Patent Review Committee Decisions
The CSU Patent Review Committee approved two invention disclosures for patent protection. One disclosure was provided by Dr. Antonie van den Bogert (retired) and Dr. Michael Gallagher, both from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, titled: Cable-Driven Exoskeleton Device. The invention provides for an assistive walking device for individuals suffering from conditions affecting their gait.
The second disclosure was provided by Dr. Zhiqiang Gao, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and was titled: Generic PID Design and Tuning. The invention provides an improved method for tuning and scaling a proportional-integral derivative controller (PID). |